Smart Retur's pallet bank

Hjul pall Update Square
Our digital pallet bank allows you to manage your reverse logistics. You can think of it as your control centre, where you manage orders, monitor status and obtain documentation.

The pallet bank is Smart Retur’s heart and brain: buy pallets when you need more; sell pallets to us when you have too many. Book shipments and returns, and monitor your stock levels. You can also monitor your sorting results, repairs, pallet reuse level and emissions reductions.

The biggest in Scandinavia

Hjul geografisk
Our depots are strategically located all over Scandinavia. That gives you rapid access to the pallets you need, and an efficient distribution network that significantly reduces waste, costs and emissions.


Hjul stordrift
Economies of scale and cooperation are smart and efficient: fewer, larger depots produce lower emissions than lots of small ones, and providing storage on behalf of many customers results in more efficient shipping and optimal vehicle capacity utilisation every time. Our efficient distribution network ensures that the pallets travel shorter distances. What does this mean for you? Cheaper storage, more efficient shipping, lower shipping costs – and lower emissions.

Plus, at our Smart Retur depots the pallets are scanned using advanced cameras so we know exactly what needs to be repaired and how. We then wash and repair the pallets and put them back to work.


Hjul transport
By having a number of large depots instead of lots of small ones, we can provide warehousing for many businesses in the same place. This means that we can obtain optimal vehicle capacity utilisation and make fewer shipments. That reduces shipping costs for us and you, and is better for the environment. In the pallet bank, you can find documentation of the emissions reductions you have made by switching to reverse logistics through Smart Retur.

Sorting and repair

Hjul reparasjon
Reuse is the key to hitting your emissions reduction goals. Using modern technologies at our main depots, we sort and repair your pallets. They are scanned by advanced cameras that register any damage or defects. We repair the pallets to an approved standard, so they can quickly go back into circulation. As a result, we can achieve a pallet reuse level of up to 98 per cent. This gives both you and us emissions reductions that really count.

Reports and documentation

Hjul rapport
The pallet bank gives you a complete overview of your reverse logistics at all times. From pallet stocks to the sale and purchase of pallets, sorting results, repairs, bookings, invoices, shipments and returns – everything is here, and it can all be documented to the smallest detail.

The pallet bank is also where you can obtain reports and documentation on your emissions reductions – both in total and from each step in your reverse logistics, from storage, transport and vehicle capacity utilisation to repairs and reuse.


Hjul vask
When using plastic pallets, we wash and maintain them so they can remain in efficient circulation for many years to come.

We can help

Hjul vifikserdet
Whatever you need, we can help – including customised solutions. For instance, we have set up a customised solution for Brødrene Dahl: we unpack their goods and store them in a dedicated location, so they avoid having to use expensive storage at the Port of Oslo. If you face similar challenges, please contact us so we can discuss your needs.


Hjul rådgivning
Our consultants are experts in plastic pallets, reverse logistics and transport, and will help you to develop customised solutions for your business.